A Schedule allows associated transactions to be scheduled. It also allows associated transactions to recur according to the provided Repeat. If the recurring should end, a Repeat Cancel should be provided.


idNumber(integer)Read-only unique identifier.1234567890
dateString(YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) in UTCRequired datetime. If the transaction is set to repeat, this date will be used to denote which day of the month, week, or year to repeat the transaction on. For example: if the date is set to Monday, January 1st 2024, the weekly would repeat on Mondays, the monthly would repeat on the 1st of each month, and the yearly would repeat on January 1st each year."2024-01-01 00:00:00"
repeatObject(Repeat object)Sets how often a transaction should repeat. Used as part of a Schedule if recurring payments are necessary.See Repeat Example
cancelObject(Repeat Cancel object)Represents when a schedule should stop, which would end associated scheduled transactions. If a transaction should repeat indefinitely, do not include a Repeat Cancel in the Schedule.See Repeat Cancel Examples


  "id": 1234567890,
  "date": "2024-01-01 00:00:00",
  "repeat": {
    "period": "monthly",
    "interval": 3
  "cancel": {
    "type": "count",
    "value": "12"