Our fast, secure REST API allows merchants to process transactions through their PaidYET merchant account. Our REST API uses our backend fraud protection to eliminate fraud and remove liability from the merchant.
See our API reference documentation for more information.
Response Codes
Response codes aid in identifying the precise causes of transaction failures, card-related problems, declined transactions, or general errors. These responses will come back from our REST API in the error
attribute of a transaction object.
Each code in the table below indicates a distinct issue that may require further actions or communication with the bank.
Response code | Authorization response message | Response definition |
00 | APPROVAL | Approved and completed |
01 | CALL | Refer to issuer |
02 | CALL | Refer to issuer-Special condition |
03 | TERM ID ERROR | Invalid Merchant ID |
04 | HOLD-CALL | Pick up card (no fraud) |
05 | DECLINE | Do not honor |
06 | ERROR | General error |
07 | HOLD-CALL | Pick up card, special condition (fraud account) |
08 | APPROVAL | Honor Mastercard with ID |
10 | PARTIAL APPROVAL | Partial approval for the authorized amount returned in Group III version 022 |
11 | APPROVAL | VIP approval |
12 | INVALID TRANS | Invalid transaction |
13 | AMOUNT ERROR | Invalid amount |
14 | CARD NO. ERROR | Invalid card number |
15 | NO SUCH ISSUER | No such issuer |
19 | RE ENTER | Re-enter transaction |
21 | NO ACTION TAKEN | Unable to back out transaction |
25 | NO CARD NUMBER | Unable to locate the account number |
28 | NO REPLY | File is temporarily unavailable |
30 | MSG FORMAT ERROR | Transaction was improperly formatted |
39 | NO CREDIT ACCT | No credit account |
41 | HOLD-CALL | Lost card, pick up (fraud account) |
43 | HOLD-CALL | Stolen card, pick up (fraud account) |
46 | CLOSED ACCOUNT | Closed account |
51 | DECLINE | Insufficient funds |
52 | NO CHECK ACCOUNT | No checking account |
53 | NO SAVE ACCOUNT | No savings account |
54 | EXPIRED CARD | Expired card |
55 | WRONG PIN | Incorrect PIN |
57 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Transaction not permitted-Card |
58 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Transaction not permitted-Terminal |
59 | SUSPECTED FRAUD | Suspected fraud |
61 | EXC APPR AMT LIM | Exceeds approval amount limit |
62 | DECLINE | Invalid service code, restricted |
63 | SEC VIOLATION | Security violation |
65 | EXC W/D FREQ LIM | Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit |
6P | VERIF DATA FAILD | Verification data failed |
75 | PIN EXCEEDED | Allowable number of PIN-entry tries exceeded |
76 | UNSOLIC REVERSAL | Unable to locate, no match |
77 | NO ACTION TAKEN | Inconsistent, reversed, or repeat data |
78 | NO ACCOUNT | Blocked, first used transaction from new cardholder, and card not properly unblocked |
79 | ALREADY REVERSED | Already reversed at switch |
80 | NO IMPACT | No Financial impact (used in reversal responses to decline originals) |
81 | ENCRYPTION ERROR | Cryptographic error |
82 | INCORRECT CVV | CVV data is not correct Or Offline PIN authentication interrupted |
83 | CANT VERIFY PIN | Cannot verify PIN |
85 | CARD OK | No reason to decline |
86 | CANT VERIFY PIN | Cannot verify PIN |
91 | NO REPLY | Issuer or switch is unavailable |
92 | INVALID ROUTING | Destination not found |
93 | DECLINE | Violation, cannot complete |
94 | DUPLICATE TRANS | Unable to locate, no match |
96 | SYSTEM ERROR | System malfunction |
A1 | ACTIVATED | POS device authentication successful |
A2 | NOT ACTIVATED | POS device authentication not successful |
A3 | DEACTIVATED | POS device deactivation successful |
B1 | SRCHG NOT ALLOWD | Surcharge amount not permitted on debit cards or EBT food stamps |
B2 | SRCHG NOT ALLOWD | Surcharge amount not supported by debit network issuer |
CV | FAILURE CV | Card Type Verification Error |
D3 | SECUR CRYPT FAIL | Transaction failure due to missing or invalid 3D-Secure cryptogram |
E1 | ENCR NOT CONFIGD | Encryption is not configured |
E2 | TERM NOT AUTHENT | Terminal is not authenticated |
E3 | DECRYPT FAILURE | Data could not be decrypted |
EA | ACCT LENGTH ERR | Verification error |
EB | CHECK DIGIT ERR | Verification error |
EC | CID FORMAT ERROR | Verification error |
H1 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
H2 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
H3 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
H4 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
H5 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
H6 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
H7 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
H8 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
H9 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
HV | FAILURE HV | Hierarchy Verification Error |
K0 | TOKEN RESPONSE | Token request was processed |
K1 | TOKEN NOT CONFIG | Tokenization is not configured |
K2 | TERM NOT AUTHENT | Terminal is not authenticated |
K3 | FAILURE HV | Data could not be de-tokenized |
MO | DOM DBT NOT ALWD | Mastercard: Canada region-issued Domestic Debit Transaction not allowed |
N3 | CACHBACK NOT AVL | Cash back service not available |
N4 | DECLINE | Exceeds issuer withdrawal limit |
N7 | CVV2 MISMATCH | CVV2 Value supplied is invalid |
P0 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
P1 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
P2 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
P3 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
P4 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
P5 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
P6 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
P7 | MISSING SERIAL NUM | The terminal has not yet completed the boarding process. The Serial Number has not been set up. |
Q1 | CARD AUTH FAIL | Card authentication failed |
R0 | STOP RECURRING | Customer requested stop of specific recurring payment |
R1 | STOP RECURRING | Customer requested stop of all recurring payments from specific merchant |
R3 | STOP ALL RECUR | All recurring payments have been canceled for the card number in the request |
S0 | INACTIVE CARD | The PAN used in the transaction is inactive. |
S1 | MOD 10 FAIL | The Mod-10 check failed. |
S5 | DCLN NO PRE AUTH | Decline – no preauthorization found. |
S9 | MAX BALANCE | Maximum working balance exceeded. |
SA | SHUT DOWN | The Authorization Server is shut down. |
SB | INVALID STATUS | Invalid card status – status is other than active |
SC | UNKNOWN STORE | Unknown dealer/store code – special edit. |
SD | TOO MANY RCHRGS | Maximum number of recharges is exceeded. |
SE | ALREADY USED | Card was already used. |
SF | NOT MANUAL | Manual transactions not allowed. |
SH | TYPE UNKNOWN | Transaction type was unknown. |
SJ | INVALID TENDER | An invalid tender type was submitted. |
SK | CUSTOMER TYPE | An invalid customer type was submitted. |
SL | PIN LOCKED | PIN was locked. |
SM | MAX REDEMPTS | The maximum number of redemptions was exceeded. |
SP | MAX PAN TRIES | The maximum number of PAN tries was exceeded. |
SR | ALREADY ISSUED | The card was already issued. |
SS | NOT ISSUED | The card was not issued. |
T0 | APPROVAL | First check is okay and has been converted. |
T1 | CANNOT CONVERT | The check is okay but cannot be converted. This is a declined transaction. |
T2 | INVALIDABA | Invalid ABA number, not an ACH participant. |
T3 | AMOUNT ERROR | Amount greater than the limit. |
V1 | FAILURE VM | Daily threshold exceeded. |
4001 | CARD TYPE NOT ALLOWED (CREDIT/DEBIT) | The card type is not allowed, per PaidYET merchant settings. |
4002 | CARD BRAND NOT ALLOWED (AMEX) | The brand of the card is not allowed, per PaidYET merchant settings. |
4004 | CARD ISSUING COUNTRY NOT ALLOWED | The country of origin of the issued card is not allowed, per PaidYET merchant settings. |
4005 | BIN IS BLOCKED | The Bank Identification Number is not allowed, per PaidYET merchant settings. |
Updated 11 months ago